Happy Thanksgiving from Northern Adjusters

While we take a moment to pause and collect our thoughts before spending the next few days with our family and friends, we want to use this opportunity to thank all of our customers, staff, and everyone that has supported us throughout the past year. It’s because of people like you that make us able to provide the best possible service to our clients and we are thankful for you!  

Over the next few days, 96% of American families will gather around the table for a Thanksgiving feast. We’ve compiled a list of our top 10 favorite Thanksgiving statistics that help us realize just how big this holiday is.

  1. 51,650,000: The total number of turkeys that are consumed on Thanksgiving Day!
  2. $2.98 billion: The total U.S. spending on Thanksgiving dinner food. 
  3. 39,000,000: The number of families that will travel for Thanksgiving.
  4. 16 minutes: The average amount of time families spend eating Thanksgiving dinner.
  5. 7 hours: The average time spent cooking Thanksgiving dinner.
  6. 86 pounds: The weight of the largest turkey ever raised.
  7. 78 feet: The length of the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, which is the largest balloon at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
  8. $59.57 billion: What Americans are planning to spend on Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.
  9. 36 years: The time it took to make Thanksgiving a national holiday.
  10. 80%: The percentage of Americans that look forward to the leftovers more than the main meal!

Whether you are cooking a turkey dinner for 20 at home, or flying thousands of miles to see loved ones, we want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving from Northern Adjusters!

Sources: Statistic Brain November 2017; National Turkey Foundation; Forbes 2017 Macys Day Parade Statistic; and CNN.com

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